Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I had the lovely opportunity to stay home today-sick. I have to say I am NOT a huge fan of it at all. I did get to make this really cool page for my bible study group though. I will attempt to put it on here but no promises. Anyways, the day has been long and all I've eaten is cereal which was okay with me, cuz I'm a big breakfast food junkie! :) In all my free time I discovered an artist I really like, her name is Brooke Fraser. She has a beautiful voice and her songs are great. Especially "Albertine". So, if you happen to have free time, I'd recommend checking her out. Well, I gotta skedaddle, homework.....
Lots of love in Him,

Monday, April 27, 2009


I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but I LOVE THE RAIN!!!!! It is one of God's creations that always amazes me, no matter how many times I've experienced it. Now, I'm not just talking the little drizzly rain that makes you feel sticky-eww! I'm talking the hard, cold downpour that I got to experience today. I love everything that has to do with rain, the smell, the feel, the look, the sound! Everything changes when it rains, thunder roars, lighting lights up the sky with beauty, and everything gets a refreshing soak.
I don't know if you've ever noticed, but there's this amazing smell the rain makes. The best is right before and right after it rains. You can't really describe it. I know Bath & Body Works has tried to recreate the smell for a lotion, but you really can't. It's simply indescribable. Now rain has this refreshing quality. When you feel all the little raindrops hit your skin it's like God's repetitive whispering of "I love you and this is for you!". That's so cool!! The feeling of cool raindrops on you skin isn't just surface, it's sort of penetrating and it sends little shivers all over your body! Rain looks sort of like a huge curtain that covers everything for the time it's there and then it slowly fades away. It gives everything a sort of hazy look, fuzzy-like, sort of like you can't be sure of what you're looking at when you're looking into rain.
Finally, my absolute, favorite thing about rain, is the sound! Nothing compares to the sound of rain on a tin roof! The way it makes it's own music as it patters, or thunders, down on the roof and hits the ground, it's incredible. Whenever, I hear rain, I just sit in amazement of God and all he is and all he's given me and all of his creation. It's magical and indescribable, much like God himself. Praise the Lord for love! Praise the Lord for sun! And especially Praise the Lord for RAIN!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Friday!!!

So, it's friday and I'm super glad!! I have the pleasure of watching The Parent Trap and The Wizard of Oz (which I've never seen, but I've been told I haven't lived till I see it). Hopefully, the movies will be good, I'm sure they will be especially because I'll be with Em and Meg, and they always make things fun! I hope everyone has a restful weekend. Basking in the love of the our heavenly Papa!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Well, we have a new addition to the family! An adorable chihuahua mix puppy named Gracie Mae. She soooo cute and a lot of work, but we still love her :D. Here's a picture of her and a short video of her playing....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hope you have a Happy Easter and remember that Jesus showed his love by dying for you on the cross!
Love in Him,
Ky :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

146 days down, 34 1/2 left...

School, I'm getting sick of it, but on the bright I only have 34 1/2 days left!! Now, to many this seems like a lot, it's just over a month. I do realize this, but compared to the 146 days I've already been through it's nothin'. So, if you could be prayin' for me cuz it's goin take some endurance to get through these last few days. And in celebration of Easter we have this Friday off!! (My favorite holiday!!) Well, I gotta scoot, dinner's waiting and I still would like to attempt at getting to bed early. (Probably not goin happen)
In Him,
Ky :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

What's in the Name?

What's in the name? Seriously, while riding the bus this morning I had the random question pop in my head. How did popsicles get the name popsicle? If you have any idea's on this, I'd love to hear them because I'm startin to get bothered by it a bit...well Bye!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Saturday...

So, I just finished eating my breakfast, and now I will proceed to move my room around. Which should be interesting because I have quite a bit of furniture and no one to help me, but I've done it before, so I should be okay. Now, I don't know if it's just one of my weird quirks, but I can't stand having my room stay the same for long periods of time. It drives me crazy to have all of my furniture in the exact same position for a while, but I guess once you look at the rest of my house you can tell that it's probably genetic because my mom's the exact same way. Like mother, like daughter...or however the little saying goes. Well I better go, pray that I don't throw out my back or something (that runs in the family too!)

Friday, April 3, 2009

What's Up

It's Friday, and I'm sooo excited. This week has been crazy and I can honestly say I'm happy it's over. So here's a list of what's up with me...
  • I'm still on a sugar buzz after consuming three brownies, four cookies, and one Hazelnut Java chiller from sonic. (yeah a bit of caffiene too)
  • My mom ordered my driver's ed stuff, so I can finally work on getting my permit. Yay!!
  • Connected to the last one...I'm sorta hoping to get a babysitting job or somethin soon, so I can start saving for a car. (That's kinda crazy to think I'm starting to save for a car. I'm having one of those parent moments where they say, "Where'd the years go, she grew up so fast" :D)
  • I'm currently listening to Lady Antebellum's "Run to You" which I was introduced to by Meg.
  • This is the first weekend I haven't had any plan's and I'm perfectly okay with that.
  • The luncheon FCA hosted today went smoothly, trust me that's amazing!
All in all, I'm ready for the weekend and I hope I'm able to relax. I hope you do too! Well, I better run, I'm missin' some of Flashpoint.
Toodles!! :D

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Indecisiveness over for now...i hope...

So, as you can tell I picked a new background. Thanks Emily for helping make the VERY difficult decision. :) I hope to write somethin a little longer then this soon, but I've had a lot goin on. We had to put our doggie Dixie down on Monday, which was pretty tough. And this whole week, I've just basically felt exhausted, so I'm definitely looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Well, I gotta run. I'm gettin ready for bed, so maybe I'll actually get to bed on time and sleep well. Night!!


I don't know if you know this about me, but I am very indecisive and this is one of the many occurrences. I need to choose a new blog background and I've got it down to two, so here they are...