Friday, July 11, 2008

Going Bananas!

Hey, well I have nothing really to write about at the moment, so I'm going to pick a random subject to write about. Bananas. As in the yellow boat shaped fruit you buy at the grocery store. Now, I prefer my bananas almost yellow. So they're not quite fully yellow and they have green still around the top. I also like banana bread which is funny because you use very ripe bananas to make it, which is the exact opposite of how I will eat them normally. Oh yeah, and if you would like an amazing breakfast spread peanut butter and honey on toast then cut up a banana on top. Talk about a little piece of heaven! Anyway, I really had no divine inspiration for this post. (As you probably have noticed, since I just yammered on about bananas and how I prefer to eat them.) Anyway, I better go...maybe I'll eat a banana! :)

1 comment:

LIFe - Matt said...

My girls like their bananas the same way. They will also either eat around any bruise or ask me to cut it off. Bananas are a pretty big deal in our house.